Dynamic Stress and Fatigue Analysis

Dynamic stresses affect the integrity and fatigue life of components and structures.

In the ongoing pursuit of cost benefits from using lighter weight materials and structures, the analysis of structural vibration and fatigue life has become more critical.

Fatigue failure is of major concern to industry, since it can both impact on the safety of personnel and reduce availability of equipment.


Typical problem areas

  • Need fatigue and fracture evaluation of piping, gas turbine exhaust systems and composite structures
  • Require analysis and re-design of a failed component
  • Life extension assessments
  • Need insitu structural health monitoring
  • High pulsation shaking forces in reciprocating compressors and piping
  • Concern over stresses due to wind and wave loading on a FPSO hull and topsides


Our Expertise

SVT provides specialist engineering services to aid in the correct measurement, modelling and analysis of dynamic stress for evaluation of integrity, reliability and fatigue life.

Typically Finite Element Analysis is used to solve dynamic problems by analysing the forced or resonant mechanical vibrations and stresses resulting from applied loads.

Analysis options include:
• Static, thermal and dynamic stress analysis
• High and low cycle fatigue life prediction
• Fatigue failure due to random vibration
• Life prediction based on fatigues crack growth predictions
• Prediction of critical flaw size using advanced computational techniques