Human Vibration

Regular exposure to hand-arm vibration can cause a range of conditions known as Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) which includes vibration white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome. Similarly whole-body vibration can cause or exacerbate back pain and can cause fatigue.

Currently there is a lack of prescriptive human vibration legislation within Australia and consequently many companies are developing their own criteria based on European standards and directives.

Typical Problem Areas


  • Mobile equipment operators exposed for long periods of time to high vibration levels
  • Control room and operator locations within plant subject to high vibration
  • Hand-arm vibration from hand tools
  • Lack of regulatory criteria for human vibration
  • Poor awareness of human vibration as a health issue
  • Lack of knowledge of vibration mitigation options
  • Limited resources for awareness training

Our Expertise

  • Our engineers regularly work on-site and consequently have first-hand knowledge of the typical plant and equipment which is encountered and the human vibration problems which can arise
  • Surveys using latest equipment specifically designed for measurement of whole-body and hand-arm vibration
  • Abreast of industry best practice with regard to monitoring and management of human vibration
  • Provision of awareness training